I have ordered from a restaurant using Food booking and I have a complaint Print

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Please note that we have no control over any orders you place with any restaurant that uses the Food booking software.


We are a UK partner for foodbooking.com. We build websites and integrate food booking online ordering systems for clients. 

We do not own or control foodbooking.com or the food booking mobile app, we are just one of many partners that use this software, so It is also most likely that the restaurant you ordered from is not even one of our clients.


Foodbooking.com and the associated app are created and owned by Global Food Soft (www.globalfoodsoft.com), so you would need to contact them if you are having any issues with the app itself.


We also do not have any access to any restaurants' bank accounts or merchant accounts, no money for orders goes through us and we do not have any ability to refund anyone's order from any restaurant.


If you have any issues with orders placed, you would need to contact the restaurant you ordered from about any refund or problems with your order. 

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