
3 minutes order acceptance time The app generates an alert every time a new order appears. The available time to accept or reject... Can the restaurant modify or edit an order after being placed? Once accepted by the restaurant, an order or the delivery time cannot be modified. If you are... How to manage fake orders When it comes to fake orders, it’s not our system’s job to help on this aspect. Or better to say... How to retry a missed or rejected order? The restaurant missed an order in the order-taking app but it’s ok and they will deliver anyway…... How to set the system to accept far-ahead orders? If you want clients to be able to place orders for next month or next quarter, bakery bulks and... Limiting scheduled orders The "limit scheduled orders" feature allows you to set how many scheduled orders can be placed... Only accepting advanced orders / pre-bookings When customers place an "Order for later" there are two cases: A) Your restaurant is open at the... Scheduled Orders Predictability and good planning are key to a successful restaurant. The restaurant managers now... Using the order taking app Once the “See MENU & Order” button is published on your website or Facebook page, the food... What is the alert call? A restaurant may set up an alert call from the administration panel: The alert call kicks in... Why an order-taking mobile device? The tablet or smartphone is the only good way to stay online and keep in touch with clients.... Why not accept orders automatically? We don’t support nor recommend accepting the orders automatically. Here is why: We believe... test How to set your restaurant as temporarily closed Situations may arise where you need to temporarily close due to sickness, running out of stock,...
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